A new non-sbt take on onchain id and reputation

Enhanced ERC-6551s a New Token Standard Proposal for THE GUILD’s Ecosystem:

3 min readMar 18, 2024


Facilitating Societal Growth Through Gamified Reputation Management


The enhanced ERC-6551s standard proposed by THE GUILD introduces an innovative framework for leveraging Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as dynamic entities that encapsulate user identity, reputation, and social engagement within a decentralized network. This document elaborates on the gamification elements of the standard, emphasizing its potential to foster net-positive societal environments. By rewarding positive actors and penalizing negative behaviors transparently, this system aims to cultivate a community where contributions to network growth are consistently recognized and rewarded.

1. Introduction

The integration of gamification elements into the ERC-6551s standard represents a novel approach to engaging users and promoting positive community growth. This modified token standard embeds a sophisticated mechanism for experience accrual (XP) and a multi-level referral system directly within NFTs, setting the stage for a merit-based ecosystem that incentivizes beneficial contributions while deterring and penalizing detrimental actions.

2. Gamification and Societal Impact

2.1 Rewarding Positive Contributions

The gamification framework within ERC-6551s allows users to earn XP for their activities, contributions, and successful referrals, effectively turning community engagement into a rewarding experience. This system ensures that users who positively contribute to the network’s growth are consistently rewarded, fostering an environment where altruistic behavior and community support are incentivized.

2.2 Penalizing Negative Behavior

Conversely, negative actors are subject to XP slashing and reputational strikes, which not only limit their access to certain platform functionalities but also serve as a form of societal shaming. The public nature of the reputation system ensures that actions detrimental to the community’s welfare are transparent, encouraging accountability and discouraging malicious behavior.

3. Implementation and Applications

3.1 Inherent Value and Predictable Income

The referral system embedded within the NFTs generates yield based on the user’s social graph, thereby imbuing each NFT with inherent value and the potential for predictable future income. This aspect of the standard opens up numerous applications, including NFT lending primitives and other financial innovations, by leveraging the social and reputational capital represented by the NFT.

3.2 Societal Growth Environments

By creating an ecosystem where positive contributions are tangibly rewarded and negative actions are openly discouraged, the enhanced ERC-6551s standard lays the groundwork for net-positive societal growth environments. Unlike real-world systems, where positive behavior may often go unrecognized, this framework ensures that community contributions directly influence the growth and well-being of the network.

3.3 Cross-Platform Reputation Recognition

The on-chain nature of the XP and referral data carried by each NFT opens the door for cross-platform reputation adoption. Platforms utilizing similar standards can recognize the reputational achievements and social capital accrued within THE GUILD, further extending the influence and benefits of positive community engagement.

4. Advantages and Societal Implications

4.1 Creating Positive Feedback Loops

The gamification and referral systems integrated into the ERC-6551s standard are designed to create positive feedback loops within the community. As users engage in beneficial actions, they are rewarded, which in turn motivates further positive contributions, fostering a virtuous cycle of community growth and development.

4.2 Addressing Social Challenges

The public and transparent nature of the reputation system provides a novel approach to addressing social challenges within digital communities. By making the consequences of negative actions visible, the system encourages self-correction and promotes a culture of responsibility and mutual respect.

5. Conclusion

The enhanced ERC-6551s standard proposed by THE GUILD represents a transformative approach to digital identity, reputation management, and community engagement. By integrating gamification elements with a multi-level referral system and embedding these mechanisms within NFTs, this standard not only incentivizes positive behavior but also establishes a foundation for societal growth and the realization of net-positive digital environments. As this standard evolves, its potential applications and impact on fostering constructive digital societies will undoubtedly expand, paving the way for a new era of decentralized community development.

Future Directions

The ongoing development of this standard will explore broader applications, including interoperability with other blockchain ecosystems, integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, and the potential for cross-platform reputation systems. Collaboration with the wider Web3 community will be crucial in refining this standard and unlocking its full potential to drive positive social change.





Crypto-evangelist since 2013. Writer, engineer, dancer, creative and Web 3 enthusiast. GuildMaster @jointheguild.org , Founder & CEO @ DIIANT.com.